Showing posts with label euro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label euro. Show all posts

Monday, 6 April 2015

#USA: Addressing Currency Manipulation Key to #TradeDeal

Members of Congress say they will work to ensure a crucial Pacific trade deal contains a provision stemming currency manipulation by foreign member countries.

A bank clerk handles 10,000 Japanese yen notes among the stacks of 100 yuan notes, at a bank in Huaibei, China, on May 29, 2012.
A bank clerk handles Japanese yen among stacks of Chinese Yuan. Proposed legislation would require the Department of Commerce to investigate countries that deflate the value of their currency to make sending goods to the U.S. cheaper. 
Congressional opposition to a potential foreign trade agreement in the Pacific is ballooning over the absence of a provision that would prevent member countries from engaging in a form of economic gamesmanship known as currency manipulation... (Read more)

EXTERNAL EXPANSION LTD., www.externalexpansion.net

Sunday, 29 March 2015

#Europe: Caught by sterling’s strength against the #euro.

Q&A: Dominic Coyle

The euro: on the slide.  Photograph: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
The euro: on the slide. Photograph: REUTERS/Dado Ruvic
When the euro/sterling rate was 85p, I purchased shares in sterling. Now the rate is 73p. If I sell now and invest further in sterling without realising cash and perhaps spending it, do I have to take account of the exchange rates for purpose of CGT?
The amount in sterling remains the same but would be showing profit in euro.
Mr M.B., Galway
There have been certain reliefs for people who reinvest gains but these, as far as I know, relate exclusively to the sale of assets relating to a business or trade and the investment of those gains in the trade or business. I don’t think they are going to provide you with any relief in your current position... (Read more)
EXTERNAL EXPANSION LTD., www.externalexpansion.net

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

#España: La nueva vida con un #eurodébil

La depreciación de la divisa común acelera las ventas internacionales y pone en jaque a las firmas de monedas muy revalorizadas

Un trabajador de la empresa UBS (United Barcode Systems) de Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona). / Massimiliano Minocri

El oleaje del mercado de las divisas deja resaca desde la ciudad de Biel, capital relojera de Suiza, cuartel general de firmas como Omega o Swatch, hasta la localidad barcelonesa de Vilassar de Mar, donde una de esas empresas catalanas, industrial y pequeña, desconocida pero totalmente internacionalizada, se frota las manos con la caída de la cotización del euro frente al resto de grandes monedas. "Se va a notar porque nos hace más competitivos, desde octubre hemos percibido un auge de ventas a los países que exportamos fuera de la eurozona", explica Judit Bueno, directora financiera de United Barcode Systems, una firma con una treintena de trabajadores que producen maquinaria para poner etiquetas y códigos de barras en los embalajes... (Lea más)

EXTERNAL EXPANSION LTD., www.externalexpansion.net

Thursday, 29 January 2015


Although in this article we will discuss today focusing primarily on Russia, before we do a review of previous records that have a lot to do with the current reality. Also worth mentioning, that the facts could happen faster than anyone could imagine and it is therefore important to review past events. Do not forget to read the integrity of the article and leave your opinions which will surely be of great contribution...

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EXTERNAL EXPANSION LTD., www.externalexpansion.net

Friday, 9 January 2015



Si bien en este artículo vamos a analizar la actualidad centrándonos principalmente en Rusia, antes debemos hacer un repaso de los antecedentes previos que mucho tienen que ver con la realidad actual. Cabe también mencionar, que los hechos podrían suceder más rápidamente de lo que cualquiera podría imaginarse y es por eso importante repasar los sucesos pasados. No dejen de leer la integridad del artículo y dejarnos sus opiniones que seguramente serán de gran aportación... (Read more)

EXTERNAL EXPANSION LTD., www.externalexpansion.net

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

#China permite el #cambiodirecto entre el #euro y el #yuan para #impulsarelcomercio

El Gobierno busca abaratar el cambio de divisas y este ya no se hará a través del dólar

Billetes de 100 yuanes. / JASON LEE (REUTERS)

Las autoridades chinas han dado un paso más en el proceso de internacionalización de su moneda. A partir de este martes, la divisa china se negociará directamente con el euro en el mercado interbancario, según ha anunciado este lunes el Banco Popular de China (banco central) en un comunicado. En la práctica, esto significa que el cambio entre ambas divisas dejará de calcularse a través de los tipos que cada una de las monedas tiene con una tercera, generalmente el dólar estadounidense, y pasará a fijarse directamente. En un comunicado, el organismo asegura que la medida “ayudará a reducir los costes de conversión, facilitará el uso del yuan y del euro en el comercio y la inversión bilateral, promoverá la cooperación financiera y mejorará los lazos económicos entre ambas regiones”... (Lea más)

External Expansion, www.externalexpansion.net,

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Why #Europe needs to reverse the austerity #Germany has championed

Opinion: ‘Not only was Ireland bullied by the ECB into entering a programme, but a large chunk of the received funds was transferred straight to the financial sector and foreign creditors (including various German banks)’

Then taoiseach Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan, minister for finance, making a statement following the Cabinet meeting regarding the  financial bailout in 2010.  Photographer: Dara Mac Dónaill / THE IRISH TIMES
Then taoiseach Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan, minister for finance, making a statement following the Cabinet meeting regarding the financial bailout in 2010. Photographer: Dara Mac Dónaill / THE IRISH TIMES

Germany, written off as the “sick man of Europe” when the euro was launched in 1999, is today considered by most – first and foremost by the Germans themselves – to be the continent’s most successful economy and a model for other countries to follow. But this is a dangerous misconception. As Matt O’Brien recently wrote in the Washington Post: “It doesn’t seem like it, but Germany is still the sick man of Europe. It’s just that everybody else is terminally ill now"... (Read more)

External Expansion, www.externalexpansion.net,

Monday, 15 September 2014

#Europe: mending a bad marriage

The European project is a failed marriage, and only a radical reappraisal of the union – political and, above all, fiscal – can prevent a messy divorce

 Photograph: Mike Kemp/Rubberball/Getty Photograph: Mike Kemp/Rubberball/Getty

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External Expansion, www.externalexpansion.net,