Showing posts with label Shinzo Abe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shinzo Abe. Show all posts

Friday, 21 November 2014

#Japan: #Japaneseexport growth accelerates in October

Exports to Asia, which accounts for more than half of shipments, rose 10.5 per cent

Smoke billowing from a plant in Tokyo bay. The 9.6 per cent annual rise in exports in October was more than double the 4.5 per cent gain expected by economists
Smoke billowing from a plant in Tokyo bay. The 9.6 per cent annual rise in exports in October was more than double the 4.5 per cent gain expected by economists

Japanese exports grew in October at the fastest pace in eight months in an encouraging sign that global demand could help the country recover from an unexpected recession and support the central bank’s optimistic economic outlook... (Read more)

External Expansion, www.externalexpansion.net,

Monday, 17 November 2014

#US: Defying Expectations, #Japan’s Economy Falls

The Shiodome business district in Tokyo. Japan’s gross domestic product fell by an annualized pace of 1.6 percent last quarter, threatening a planned tax increase. Credit Thomas Peter/Reuters
TOKYO — Japan’s economy unexpectedly fell into recession in the third quarter, a painful slump that called into question efforts by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to pull the country out of nearly two decades of deflation.
The second consecutive quarterly decline in gross domestic product could upend Japan’s political landscape. Mr. Abe is considering dissolving Parliament and calling fresh elections, people close to him say, and Monday’s economic report is seen as critical to his decision, which is widely expected to come this week... (Read more)

External Expansion, www.externalexpansion.net,

Monday, 22 September 2014

#China corteja a #India con proyectos de inversión por 15.400 millones

Una disputa fronteriza enturbia la visita del presidente Xi a Nueva Delhi

El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, y el primer ministro indio, Narendra Modi, este jueves tras una rueda de prensa conjunta en Nueva Delhi. / HARISH TYAGI (EFE)

China ha prometido este jueves invertir hasta 15.400 millones de euros en India, en proyectos de infraestructura y en ciudades industriales. El anuncio del primer ministro indio, Narendra Modi, y el presidente chino, Xi Jinping, no sirvió, no obstante, para acallar la disputa transfronteriza entre los dos países, que fue uno de los protagonistas de la reunión entre ambos líderes celebrada este jueves en Nueva Delhi. Tras su encuentro formal en la capital india, un día después de la cena que ambos habían mantenido en Gujarat, el estado de origen de Modi, para celebrar el 64 cumpleaños del primer ministro, ambos emergieron para reconocer que la escaramuza más reciente había sido uno de los ejes de sus conversaciones... (Lea más)

External Expansion, www.externalexpansion.net,