Monday, 30 June 2014

Korea: Implement reforms to develop a creative economy, OECD says

OECD-Topics. 17/06/2014 - (Click here to original new)

Korea needs to move away from its current economic model and implement a range of reforms to develop a creative economy that can sustain long-term growth, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Korea. The strategy should be accompanied by new measures to reduce income inequality and poverty, particularly among the elderly, the OECD said.

Argentina's 'vulture fund' crisis threatens profound consequences for international financial system

UNCTAD. 25 June, 2014. (Click here to original article)

Global and systemic implications of United States Supreme Court rulings in favour of hedge funds over Argentina on 2001 defaulted bonds

Ukraine-EU Economic Accord Marks a Turning Point

Peterson Institute for International Economics. Anders Aslund — June 27, 2014
(Click here to original interview)
Anders Åslund explains why Putin's threats of retaliation against Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia will hurt the Russian economy and its reputation among potential investors.

The United States, Japan, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Peterson Institute for International Economics. Jeffrey J. Schott — June 25, 2014
(Click here to original article)
Over the past two decades, the United States and Japan built an extensive network of free trade agreements (FTAs) with countries in the Asia-Pacific region but did not move forward with bilateral talks. Japan’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) marks the first such venture.

China customs squeezes US DDG exports

JOC.com. Mark Szaconyi. Jun 26, 2014 12:27PM (Click here to original new)

The growth of U.S. exports of containerized distillers dried grains to China has fallen in the last five months.

Las exportaciones de mango peruano se incrementan 25,7% en los primeros meses del año

Biz.com. 27/06/2014. (Click aquí para leer el artículo completo)

Las exportaciones de mango peruano se incrementaron un 25,7% según la Asociación de Exportadores alcanzando los $165,2 millones de dólares en los primeros 4 meses de 2014.

En Perú identifican oportunidades de exportación a Estados Unidos

BIZ:COM. 28/06/2014. (Click aquí para leer el artículo original)

Según la Asociación de Exportadores (Adex) existen 49 oportunidades comeciales no aprovechadas en Estados Unidos por un total de 939 millónes de dólares a pesar de ser los principales socios comerciales de Perú.

Shipping lines. Scattering the fleet.

The Economist. Jun 19th 2014. (Click here to original link)

China’s regulators scupper a vast container-shipping alliance.

Sailing on alone SIZE is considered a great advantage in the container-shipping industry. The largest of the colossal vessels that now tote metal boxes between the world’s ports are twice as big as those launched a decade ago.

Spain’s economic recovery. Bouncing back

THE ECONOMIST. Jun 26th 2014. (Click here to original link)

A surprisingly strong recovery, largely export-driven.

Rejoice, Rajoy, rejoice SPAIN is, as ever, in transition. Two old totems of pride, King Juan Carlos and the national soccer team, have crashed and burned.

Russia Will Defend Economy Against EU Agreements, Says Spokesman

Caen 10% exportaciones petroleras

REFORMA-NEGOCIOS. Laura Carrillo, lunes 30 de junio de 2014.
(Click aquí para ver el artículo compreto)

En enero-mayo de 2014, Pemex exportó crudo por 16 mil 252 mdd, monto 10 por ciento menor a igual periodo de 2013, mientras importó 358.2 miles de barriles diarios durante el periodo del reporte.


Doble diploma: nuevas carreras con título nacional y extranjero

En todo el mundo crecen las opciones para obtener títulos de dos universidades distintas en una misma cursada.

Por Gabriela Samela.  

Domingo, 29 de junio de 2014. iEco-Clarin (Click aquí para ver la nota completa)

Friday, 27 June 2014

Ámerica Latina: La baja actividad en puertos de la región confirma la desaceleración del comercio exterior

BIZ.COM Miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014. (Click aquí para leer el artículo original completo)

La actividad portuaria de Ámerica Latina y el Caribe en 2013 registró un crecimiento del 1,7%, lo que pone de manifiesto la desaceleración del comercio exterior de la región, según datos difundidos por la Cepal desde su sede en Santiago.

Es complicado revertir la caída de las exportaciones tradicionales, dijo la títular del Mincetur de Perú

BIZ.COM Miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014. (Click aquí para leer al artículo original completo)

La Ministra Magali Silva indicó que el compromiso de su sector es seguir fortaleciendo el trabajo de la Ocex en el mundo reconociendo que aunque se abran más oficinas de este tipo en el exterior, Perú no podrá revertir la caída de las exportaciones tradicionales.

Exportaciones no tradicionales del Perú crecerían 15% en 2014 por los envíos del sector agrícola y textil

BIZ.COM jueves 26 de junio de 2014. (Click aquí para leer el artículo original completo)

Las exportaciones no tradicionales del Perú podrían cerrar 2014 con un crecimiento del 15% respecto al año pasado impulsadas por los envíos del sector agrícola y textil, estimó la Sociedad de Comercio Exterior del Perú (ComexPerú).

Argentina: El futuro de Vaca Muerta

AGRITOTAL.COM 27/06/2014 (Click aqui para ir al enlace original)
Para algunos analistas, una eventual cesación de pagos de la Argentina no frenará millonarias inversiones en el promisorio yacimiento Vaca Muerta, aunque el país tendría que ceder beneficios más jugosos a las empresas extranjeras por apostar en el país

Fuente: relatosdetierra
El desarrollo de Vaca Muerta requiere unos u$s 250.000 millones según estimaciones privadas y una nueva cesación de pagos arruinaría los intentos del país de volver a los mercados de capitales. El mayor riesgo ahuyentaría a algunos inversores. Pero no a los que tienen el ojo puesto en Vaca Muerta.

Trading the yuan

THE ECONOMIST Jun 21st 2014 | HONG KONG | (Click here to original new)

Buzz about the rise of China’s currency has run far ahead of sedate reality

IF HEADLINES translated into trading volumes, the yuan would be well on its way to dominating the world’s currency markets. It once again graced front pages this week after moves to lift its status in London, the world’s biggest foreign-exchange market. This was the latest instalment of a five-year-long public-relations campaign. Since 2009, when China first declared its intention to promote the yuan internationally, a string of announcements and milestones has cast the Chinese currency as a putative rival to the dollar.
The hype rests on several seemingly impressive numbers. Yuan deposits beyond China’s borders have increased tenfold in the past five years. The “dim sum” bond market for yuan-denominated debt issued outside China has gone from non-existence to a dozen issuances a month. And the yuan is the second-most-used currency in the world for trade finance.

España es el primer vendedor de fresas a Alemania

REVISTA MONEDA UNICA Viernes, 27 de Junio de 2014 00:00, Felipe (Click al enlace original)
El pasado año, nuestro país suministró 87.726 toneladas al mercado germano, superando ampliamente las exportaciones neerlandesas e italianas, según los datos de la Oficina Federal de Estadística. El consumo de fresas está ampliamente extendido en Alemania, con una media de 3,5 kilogramos per cápita, manteniéndose constante durante los últimos años.

Economic growth at 0.8%

THE GUARDIAN Katie Allien, Friday 27 june 2014. (Click here to original new)
Annual GDP growth revised down slightly to 3.0% from 3.1% but still the strongest since 2007, according to latest figures.

A construction site for residential houses in Great Barr, Birmingham
Construction helped the economy to grow. Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA Archive/Press Association Ima
The fastest growth in business investment for two years helped support Britain's overall economic growth in the first quarter, boosting hopes the recovery is become more sustainable.
GDP grew by 0.8% in the first three months of the year, the Office for National Statistics said in its final revision, unchanged from its previous growth estimate. Annual GDP growth was revised down slightly to 3.0% from 3.1% but was still the strongest since 2007.

Lidl launches £220m UK store expansion programme

George Osbourne Visits Lidl Store in Chessington, Surrey, Britain 
George Osborne, right hailed Lidl's store opening plans, duriing a visit to the supermarket chain's store in Chessington, Surrey with UK managing director Ronny Gottschlich. Photograph: Rex
The threat to the big four supermarkets from discount chains stepped up a notch on Fridayas Germany's Lidl unveiled plans for a £220m expansion in the UK.
The company will open 20 more stores by the end of this year, taking its total to 620. It said the move would create a total of 2,500 jobs in the stores, at its headquarters in Wimbledon, south London, and at a distribution centre in Northfleet in the Thames estuary.

Un fonds franco-chinois va investir dans les entreprises de taille moyenne

LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par

François Hollande reçoit son homologue chinois, Xi Jinping, à l'Elysée.

L'annonce est passée un peu inaperçue au milieu des 18 milliards d'euros de contrats décrochés par la France lors de la visite d'Etat du président chinois, Xi Jinping, dans l'Hexagone, en mars dernier. Elle devait toutefois se concrétiser, vendredi 27 juin, par une très officielle cérémonie dans les locaux de Bpifrance : Paris et Pékin vont investir dans un fonds destiné à financer les entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI) des deux pays.

U.S. Catfish Program Could Stymie Pacific Trade Agreement


Catfish from a farm in Vietnam are unloaded off boats to be processed for export. Credit Justin Mott for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Ten Asian and Pacific nations have told the Office of the United States Trade Representative that the Agriculture Department’s catfish inspection program violates international law, and their objections could hamper Obama administration efforts to reach a major Pacific trade agreement by the end of next year.
They say that the inspection program is a trade barrier erected under the guise of a food safety measure and that it violates the United States’ obligations under World Trade Organization agreements. Among the countries protesting are Vietnam and Malaysia, which are taking part in talks for the trade agreement — known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership — and have the ability to derail or hold up those negotiations.

Putin Eases Restrictions on Foreign Workers

The St. Petersburg Times (Published: June 24, 2014 (Issue # 1816) (Click here to original new)

  • Russian IT companies will now have an easier time employing foreigners.
    Photo: Intel Free Press / Flickr

President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Monday simplifying the process for foreign journalists and IT specialists to work in Russia, a statement on the Kremlin’s website said.
Previously, to gain the status of a highly qualified specialist, a journalist was required to earn a salary of at least 2 million rubles ($59,000) per year. The new law reduces this sum to 1 million.

Bill Gives Visa, MasterCard Reprieve Until Oct. 31

  • Visa and MasterCard together process about 90 percent of payments in Russia.
    Photo: Maxim Stulov / Vedomosti
THE ST. PETERSBURG TIMES (June 26, 2014) (Click to original new)
International payment systems Visa and MasterCard could get a reprieve until Oct. 31 on a security deposit of up to $2.9 billion that the Russian government has demanded they pay if they are to continue operating in Russia.
According to a draft bill by the Finance Ministry published Wednesday on the government's legislation portal, payment systems operating in Russia can be freed from the obligation to pay a security deposit until Nov. 1 this year — on one condition. To receive the exemption, the companies will need to stop providing information about money transfers carried out in Russia to clearing centers abroad.

La caída de las exportaciones amenaza el repunte económico en Galicia

Con el consumo interno en niveles que oscilan entre el suelo y la ultratumba, el futuro de la recuperación económica de Galicia pasa, se dice, por la demanda externa. “Frenó el colapso total en 2012 y ahora es el motor que explica la recuperación”, resumió ayer el economista y catedrático de la Universidad de Vigo Albino Prada en la presentación del informe Ardán, radiografía económica del sector empresarial que impulsa el Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo. Pero atención a la “luz ámbar”, dice el profesor, porque “en los cuatro primeros meses del año se han interrumpido las tasas positivas”.

India tienta a los inversores extranjeros

El recientemente elegido primer ministro indio, Narendra Modi, va poco a poco desvelando sus planes de reforma económica tras la victoria de su partido, el nacionalista Partido del Pueblo (BJP, en sus siglas en hindi) en las elecciones de abril y mayo. Aunque las encuestas ya daban por hecha la victoria de la coalición conservadora encabezada por Modi, la abrumadora mayoría absoluta conseguida (336 de un total de 545 escaños) ha reforzado en los inversores la expectativa de que los ambiciosos planes de reforma económica del primer ministro saldrán adelante.
El pasado día 9, el presidente indio, Pranab Mukherjee, desgranó ante el Parlamento las principales líneas de actuación del nuevo Ejecutivo. "Mi gobierno seguirá una política de incentivar las inversiones, incluyendo inversiones directas del exterior, que se permitirán en sectores que ayuden a crear empleo y bienes de equipo", declaró.

Asian trade mission leads to €40m in deals

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton oversaw at least €40m in deals during this week’s Asian trade mission. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton oversaw at least €40m in deals during this week’s Asian trade mission. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times
THE IRISH TIMES (First published: Fri, Jun 27, 2014, 17:34) (Click this link to original new)
Dublin-based Fishtree signs strategic alliance with Korea’s SK Telecom

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton wrapped up an Enterprise Ireland trade mission to China and South Korea yesterday, which saw over €40 million in trade and investment announcements by Irish companies.
On the final day of the mission, Dublin-based company Fishtree, providers of learning platforms, signed a strategic alliance to partner with SK Telecom, Korea’s leading telecommunications company, and a global leader in innovation.

Ukraine signs ‘historic’ free-trade deal with EU

Ukrainian separatist rebels have agreed to take part in further peace talks tomorrow to end the conflict in Ukraine’s eastern regions. Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko  hinted heavily that there would be no extension of a government ceasefire, which officially ends at 10pm tomorrow. Photograph: Gaetan Michel/EPA.Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko delivers his speech at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg yesterday. Photograph: AP Photo/Christian Lutz

THE IRISH TIMES  (Reuters/PA    First published: Fri, Jun 27, 2014, 09:36)

Georgia, Moldova sign similar agreements as Russia warns of ‘grave consqeuences
Ukraine signed a historic free-trade and political cooperation agreement with the European Union today that has been at the heart of the country’s political crisis, drawing an immediate threat of “grave consequences” from Russia.
Ex-USSR states Georgia and Moldova signed similar deals, which fall short of full EU membership but hold out the prospect of deep economic integration and unfettered access to the EU’s 500 million citizens. It signals a turning away from Russia and moving closer to the West.
“Over the last months, Ukraine paid the highest possible price to make her European dreams come true,” Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko told EU leaders at a signing ceremony in Brussels.